So Skylar
watch out because you will be send home and I will do everything for it!
- Bye Skylar
Then Tina was eliminated. Oh how sad. :-P
What saved me? My grea social game and my showmance with Kurtis
I just love him.
Oh and there is tribal swap. And I am with... KURTIS!! YAY! I am like super happy!
But what I am doing now for safetly?
It is very easy!
[29. 7. 2013 19:30:17] Peter Jasenec: oh and where you live?
[29. 7. 2013 19:33:55] T.J.: Utah!
[29. 7. 2013 19:34:00] T.J.: You are from Slovakia?
[29. 7. 2013 19:40:50] Peter Jasenec: Yup Slovakia. Honestly. Never heard about Utah
[29. 7. 2013 19:40:57] Peter Jasenec: It is africa?
[29. 7. 2013 19:56:16] T.J.: No, it's in the USA
[29. 7. 2013 19:57:31] Peter Jasenec: Oh.. It was just similiar as African language
[29. 7. 2013 19:57:35] Peter Jasenec: Utah
[29. 7. 2013 19:57:38] Peter Jasenec: Utah
[29. 7. 2013 19:57:54] Peter Jasenec: Like when they want rain so they are singing utah and dancing around fire
me-so who is your most favorittes survivor player?
Who is your fav?
Me-Sugar <3
Yeah I mean she did some mistakes in game. but I have similiar character as she have
Like flashing people? LOLOL
Me-same opinion
give me five!
Jul 29, 2013 8:23 PM
Billy iSurv
Me-so far Neil... I really like you!
I will not try to eliminate you!
Billy iSurv
aw thanks man!
back at ya :-D
you looks very optimistic I feel positive energy of you. Thats good point for you
Billy iSurv
how was the first part of the game for you?
Me-well first 2 rounds were nice! But then I had problems with computer and I wasnt much active. But what is most important... I survived!
Billy iSurv
that you did!
Me-yea thank to the twist
Jul 29, 2013 8:28 PM
Billy iSurv
were you supposed to get votes??
Me-I got just 1 vote
But I use some money
I want play like I am stupid with Sugar personality.
Then I want play (Kurtis will play this with me) that I dont have mmoney at the tribal noone will try to bid because they will think that they are safe.
I have so much plans for this game!
I just need to have always cold head and had someone who will help me with my plans (Kurtis) I am not using his. I just really need some power in this game. And with him - 2 people are more as 1!
We will always helping to each other and one of us need to win this game for sure!
So about others.. Jake looks fine. I feel positive energy from him but I dont trust him at all!
Cody.. he looks very smart. I will be friendly and always be nice to him ! And always talking with him like- Oh man I adore you!!!
T.J. is not very communicative and Rich... he looks like leader of big alliance. I dont know now... but I will watch at him!
I dont know nothing about Joe. he is not much active... but maybe I will need him later. So I need to talk wth him ASAP!
Good luck Zavi! This game is your game!
+ showmance between me and kurtis-
[29. 7. 2013 17:06:08] Kurtis Roddewig: zavi, you're still officially my showmance, right?
[29. 7. 2013 17:06:26] Kurtis Roddewig: because i lament my longing for a slovakian lover
[29. 7. 2013 17:06:31] Kurtis Roddewig: in my journal entries
[29. 7. 2013 17:06:32] Playboyy: Yes, it's time for our first argument.
[29. 7. 2013 17:06:43] Playboyy: Lol do you remember Rachel and Brendan's first argument - "I AM VEGAS"
[29. 7. 2013 17:06:45] John Larison:
[29. 7. 2013 17:06:51] John Larison: I don't wanna fight
[29. 7. 2013 17:07:24] Playboyy: Same, let's just tell the tribe we're out looking for water and just make out.
[29. 7. 2013 17:07:30] Playboyy: Is today the challenge?
[29. 7. 2013 17:07:42] John Larison: At 3
[29. 7. 2013 17:07:44] Kurtis Roddewig: mhm EARLY
[29. 7. 2013 17:07:58] Kurtis Roddewig: so ya know, if you guys wanna maybe not try so hard....
[29. 7. 2013 17:08:05] Kurtis Roddewig: it wouldnt be the -worst- thing in the world
[29. 7. 2013 17:08:26] Playboyy: Haha.
[29. 7. 2013 17:08:31] Playboyy: Why so early damn
[29. 7. 2013 17:08:40] Playboyy: Why do you think you're in a bad positin in your new tribe
[29. 7. 2013 17:08:44] Kurtis Roddewig: because there is zero logic or reason behind anything they decide. lol
[29. 7. 2013 17:09:09] Kurtis Roddewig: kinda, no one offered me up any deals which is weird because youd think the red people would want me and zavi to try to take out the blue people
[29. 7. 2013 17:09:11] John Larison: I have no idea where we stand on the tribe
[29. 7. 2013 17:09:18] Peter Jasenec: yup Kurtis <3 officialy!
[29. 7. 2013 17:24:38] Kurtis Roddewig: kk im headed to the gym to get hotter for you all
[29. 7. 2013 17:24:42] Playboyy: omg john <3
[29. 7. 2013 17:24:45] Kurtis Roddewig: someone work out a way for me to be safe by the time i get back, yes?
[29. 7. 2013 17:24:48] Peter Jasenec: Kurtis...for all??
[29. 7. 2013 17:24:49] Kurtis Roddewig: xoxo later
[29. 7. 2013 17:24:49] Playboyy: see ya kurtis!
[29. 7. 2013 17:24:54] Kurtis Roddewig: JUST FOR YOU ZAVI!
[29. 7. 2013 17:24:56] Kurtis Roddewig: xoxo
[29. 7. 2013 17:25:07] Peter Jasenec: Alright you can go
LOL see you later have a nice day
Isnt he perfect
<333 OMG! I love him!